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Poetry Brothel

There are certain desires, certain fears, certain wishes that come to us at an early age and never really die. We are all curious about the forbidden. We all long to have beauty around us. And we all desire to be titillated... now and then.

Inspired by The Poetry Brothel in New York City, the Fort Awesome Poetry Brothel will first be popping up on Thursday July 5th. Our poets of the night will be selling their words to any lonely soul in need of satisfaction and inspiration.


The tantalizing men and women of the Poetry Brothel will be delivering words written by Diana Adams, Kiera Belanger, Matthew Tapscott, Andy Verboom, E Martin Nolan, Moira O'Connell, Andrew McKechnie, and Larissa Kucharyshyn


Poetry Brothel Peeps:

Lauren Commeford as Lolo Lumier


Lolo, as her friends call her, is a rising star. From rural beginnings, this vixen broke onto the scene as a retrospective, sexually charged time traveler. She dabbles in all trades, having mastered role-playing, eating exotic food, and disappearing at a moments notice.


Breanna Dillon as Hope Blissless

A sweet girl with a shocking core, all Hope wants for Christmas is a helmet—and wouldn't you like to know why? Have you ever wanted to know the could-have-been, the alternate destiny? Watch her heart dance for one more chance. Watch her take the bad and try again. Hope lives outside of town so she can take long bus rides and let wishes fester.


Jonah Hundert as Sparky Black


As a slight, innocent, and unguided boy, Sparky’s curiosity and hunger started him on a journey of self-satisfaction: to eat the entire world. Success was followed by sudden malaise, deep ennui, and the violent nausea of futility realized. Sparky now spews forth the world through words, laying them upon the ears of anyone who listens.


John-Riley O'Hanley as Dwindle Banks

Once a prodigious CFA feeling shackled in the dungeon of dollars, Dwindle was freed by the stock market crash and the epiphany that money is mere imaginary figment. Having left high finance behind, he now shares his stores of true wealth—perception, feeling, and insight—with the real world around him.


Sarah Illiatovitch-Goldman as Calickula


Silk and smoke may surround her, but be forewarned: she is neither soft nor slow. This truth-telling, silver-tongued devil will look into your soul. You may not like what she sees, but you will love what she does.


Andy Verboom as Madame Andy, Poetry Pimp

Your guide to the poerotic.


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